Pilot (b)/2008 (December, 30)
Contents (1 article, 19 pages)
Gagyi-Palffy A., Stoian L., 2008 [Bio-ecological particularities of some species specific to extreme environments]. ELBA Bioflux Pilot (b):1-19. [In Romanian]
Abstract. This paper is a short review regarding the domaine of the extremophiles. The extremophiles are organsims adpted to extreme conditons, situated at the edge of the what are concirered “normal” life conditions. The paper presents the main types of extreme organisms: termophiles, psychrophiles (criophiles), halophiles, barophiles (piezophiles), acidophiles, alkalophiles, radiation-resistant organisms. Studying this organisms helps us understand the genes of the firs organisms on Earth which have evolved in those extreme conditions and gives us clues about the life forms that could exist in the harsh conditions on other planets.
Key Words: Extremophiles, extreme environments, adaptation, survival.
Rezumat. Aceasta lucrare se doreste a fi o scurta sinteza a ceea ce inseamna domeniul extremofilelor. Extremofilele sunt vietuitoare adaptate unor conditii extreme, aflate la marginea spectrului conditiilor de viată. Lucrarea urmareste principalele categorii de orgnisme extreme: termofile, psihrofilele (criofile), halofile, barofile (piezofile), acidofile, alcalinofile, organisme rezistente la radiatii. Studiul acestor organisme ne ajută să intelegem genele primelor organisme de pe Terra ce au evoluat in acele conditii extreme si ne da indicii despre tipul de organisme ce ar putea exista in conditiile dure de pe alte planete.
Key Words: extremofile, medii extreme, adaptare, supravietuire.
ELBA Bioflux
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Volume Pilot (b)/2008 (December, 30) - available printed only
Volume Pilot (a)/2007 (December, 30) - available printed only